Monday, January 5, 2009

My Official Return to the BLOG!

First off, my apologies for ignoring my Blog for so long! Due to the fact that I was traveling so much being on the TAMU Livestock Judging Team, my blog and even my jewelry business got put on hold for a little while, but now we are back up and running!

So, since it has been SOOOO long, I will just give a brief overview of mine and SJ's fall! As I mentioned, I was on the Livestock Judging Team here at Texas A&M and we had a few big wins that I am proud of. We were champion team at the Mid South Fair, The State Fair of Texas, and the American Royal. Although, we did not win the big one: Louisville, we still had a good run and won more contests than any other team. Needless to say, it was an experience of a lifetime for me and I am really enjoying getting to judge shows now. Since the end of November, I have judged 3 and I love working with the kiddos!

As for SJ, we were extremely busy with the Christmas Holidays! We shipped out over 60 necklaces and I would like to say a big THANK YOU to all of my clientel! I greatly appreciate you all for helping me move forward with my business.

The latest in my life is trying to figure out my plans for graduate school. I will graduate in May and then would like to pursue an MBA. I have visited the programs here, Texas Tech and Oklahoma State. I will also apply to K State. But anyways, my entrane exam is scheduled for this Thursday, so I should really be studying instead of typing.

So, with that said, I will get back to my studying and will be sure to give an update of the test and my applying process, until then, Stay Fabulous!