For the blog members who are not cattle enthusiasts, you may wonder: What are Miniature Herefords? And what is their purpose? Well, as posted on their association website, at, there are many reasons to raise and exhibit miniature herefords. They are smaller in size, which means they are great for kids, take less feed to maintain, take less time to be market ready, and have more appropriate size steaks when harvested. But of co
urse, I focus on their purpose for the kids. I absolutely love children. And I am 100% sure when I have little ones, that I will help them exhibit miniature Herefords if they want to participate!
So, there were two special exhibitors yesterday that will be featured. They are Mister Mason Leifeste and Miss Aubrey Blissard.
Mason Leifeste is the son of Alan and Samantha Leifeste of Cameron, TX. Mason's d
ad, Alan, is a Brangus breeder (which is the same breed I raise and show). Mason's mom, Samantha, was the Junior Director for the IJBBA the two years that I served on the National Junior Brangu
s Breeder's Board of Directors. Now, this was a couple of years, you guessed it! Sam was pregnant with Mason when I was
on the Jr. Board. I remember Mason in her belly, his first show that he attended w
ith his play pen set up next to the cattle
stalls, and now I get to watch him exhibit his own show cattle project. Mason is known by Brangus breeders all over the nation. He is famous for his cute little quotes. Oh, and if you don't know Mason........he dates a very famous singer. Her name is Taylor Swift. If you don't believe me, just ask him about it.
Tanner and I met Miss Aubrey just a few
months ago. We
worked for her grandparents, Bill and Delores Jenki
ns, at the 2010 Fort Worth Open Shorthorn Show. Aubrey's parents are also shorthorn breeders. The first memory I have of Aubrey is her miniature cattle blow dryer. She of course carted her "blow
er" with her around Fort Worth, and anytime anyone else would turn on a "big person" blower and blow out the cattle, well then, Miss Aubre
y would have to turn hers on. Now she might not necessarily have been blowing a heifer or a bull, but she was helping "work".
Mason had Champion Pre-Juni
or Prospec
t Steer yesterday, and he also won this
title a few days ago at the Houston Livestock Show. I didn't stay for the length o
f the heifer show, but I did watch class number 1, which had only 2 entries in it. And those two exhibitors were, Mister Mason and Miss Aubrey. I had to get back to work and relieve my "help" AKA Tanner, so he could be r
elieved from sitting and working the "girl booth". But here are so
me pictures I took at the show. I hope each of you enjoy them as much as I do.
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