Well hello SJ fans and followers! If you follow me on FB or through my online store, you will know that I have been plenty busy bringing in and creating new designs for the spring time. This is a very exciting time for me, because I personally L-O-V-E all the bright colors and flowers that come along with spring time! Butttt.....back to the main reason that I am blogging....
Last Thursday evening, I received an unknown phone call. This of course is not unusual, especially since my customers are located all over the world, but this was a phone call that caught my attention. It was from a young lady named April. She is the daughter of Allen Bach. It's okay if you do not know who he is (I actually didn't realize who he was at first either)! But, here is a little information on Mr. Bach: He is a 4 time PRCA Champion and a 30 time qualifier to the National Finals Rodeo. He has won almost every Team Roping or Rodeo at least one time. But, his real fame might come from his gift and talent to teach and instruct ropers all over the world. He teaches roping clinics all over the country, as well as Canada, Brazil and Israel. So in my lingo........HE IS KIND OF A BIG DEAL!
Mr. Bach's daughter, April, works for him full time focusing on marketing and public relations. Allen Bach Roping hosts summer camps called "Camp of Champions". This camp is very prestigious and hard to get in to, as the ropers have to apply and be reviewed before accepted to attend. This year will be the first ever ALL GIRLS camp. So, this is where Southern Jewlz comes in! April called me asking if I was interested in being a sponsor. Of course with building up a business and trying to make SJ as well-known and prestigious as I want it to be, I said yes. But, little did I know, there would only be ONE jewelry sponsor for the girls camp. So, as soon as I realized what a huge deal this could be, I made sure to shoot April an offer she couldn't turn down, or at least what I thought was a pretty good deal. Needless to say.....IT WORKED!!! Straight from her email, here is what April said, "I am excited to say that you will be Allen Bach's Camp of Champions (girls only) jewelry sponsor for 2010! What sold us was you as a person and your story. I think all girls should feel like a princess too ;)"
So, the Southern Jewlz banner will now be hung in Mr. Allen Bach's arena! They are also going to use SJ items as prize give-a-ways to all the girls that attend the camp. Also, the SJ website and logo will be linked onto Mr. Bach's website at www.allenbachroping.com, the camp's website at www.forevercowboys.com, as well as Mr. Bach's personal facebook and the "Camp of Champions" facebook.
The camp is going to be May 23-27 in Graham, TX. I more than likely will be traveling down there one evening to give a presentation to the young ladies, not only on fashion, but more importantly about my personal story, life and overall success in general. Anyways, I am really excited about this opportunity and wanted to share it. I will conclude with a quote from April about her father.
"There are not many men in the world like my dad. He is faithful to his family, friends, and commitments and he always made time to spend with his children, even if he was really tired. I have never seen him give up, and he has always made me feel like I could do anything. No, he is not perfect, but I would say he has the most important things down. His priorities: God first, family second, and then everything else." - April Bach Patterson
So, here are a few pictures of the famous Mr. Allen Bach!
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