Thursday, March 11, 2010

A relaxing 5 minutes...

This will be a very short post, because the Rodeo Austin posts (that will start tomorrow) will all be very long and intense.

So, yesterday evening in the middle of loading up my truck, finishing jewelry preps, working on orders, laundry, and everything else going on to finalize Rodeo Austin prepraration, I actually stopped for 5 minutes. I realized what a beautiful day it was. And as Tanner and I were getting into my truck to run an errand, I had a few moments to just watch some of our show heifers graze. I know some of you (those that aren't show cow fanatics like me) won't understand this, but for the rest of you---I just love watching the cows graze on a beautiful day! It is very rewarding to me, especially when I had raised them. So, I took a couple of snap shots and of course wanted to share them with my blog. So, I hope all of you (cow enthusiasts and non-so cow enthusiasts) enjoy!

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